Medical Packaging Explained

Medical Packaging Explained

New medicines, biological supplements, vitamins and other products are constantly appearing on the pharmaceutical market. In order for a new product to compete with already known counterparts, good advertising and well-designed medical packaging are necessary.

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Pharmaceutical Packaging Categories

All  medical products packaging types  are divided into 3 categories:

Primary Packaging

This category includes all products that are in direct contact with the drug: 

Secondary Packaging

This is the packaging type necessary in order to protect the medical drugs even more. This group includes plastic containers and cardboard boxes. It is important that the secondary packaging contains information about the release date, shelf life, and the imprint code.

Group Packaging

Container needed in order to transport pharmaceutical products in small batches. This includes shrink wrap and cardboard boxes, in which the products are already placed in the secondary packaging.


Such packaging type  is used to prevent mechanical damage to medical products during transportation. These are wood boxes, corrugated cardboard, plastic canisters, etc. They additionally contain shock-absorbing material such as  granules or micro corrugated cardboard.

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Medical Products Packaging Requirements

Packaging materials for medical products are subject to careful control, so they must comply with certain requirements and standards. Special requirements are placed on the primary packaging, as it is in contact with chemical and biological substances. Products of this group must be durable and resistant to temperature changes.

Packaging Functions

Any type of packaging performs several functions. Packaging materials for the pharmaceutical industry are no exception. The purpose of packaging medical products are to:

Ensure Medicines Integrity During Storage and Transportation

Packaging materials must be strong enough to prevent the contents from being damaged.

Light, Moisture & Dust Protection

Pharmaceutical products are sensitive to external environments. When exposed to direct sunlight, medicines may lose their effectiveness . Therefore, the primary packaging must be airtight.

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Informing Buyers

The packaging must indicate the following: 

  • Manufacturer name, 
  • Number of units (tablets, capsules), 
  • Volume of Liquids (f.e Litre
  • Storage terms and conditions
  • Main active ingredients.

Increase in Consumer Demand

Design that indicates the product advantages. 

Brand Promotion

The logo, brand symbols and catch phrases are an important step for the packaging company’s further commercial success.

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